Discover the Archetypes Shaping Your Life

4 Results tagged "Self-Growth"

Your Allies show up in your work life and relationships Growing With Your Archetypes: Allies
May 16, 2022 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

In the Pearson-Marr system your Allies are your high scoring archetypes, generally your top three. High scoring archetypes represent characteristics that you likely identify with and narratives that you use the most to understand and engage the world; because of this, your Allies are where you are most skilled and developed. In this article Kesstan Blandin discusses how to work with your Allies for self-growth and further development.


Your Treasure Chest archetypes are your sidekicks or companions in your life story hero's journey Growing With Your Archetypes: Treasure Chest
Jun 06, 2022 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

In this second article, on Growing With Your Archetypes, Kesstan Blandin presents the Treasure Chest consisting of the eight archetypes in the mid-range of your Archetype Profile. In the PMAIĀ® system your Treasure Chest, in support of your Allies, points to the areas that have potential for further self-growth.


Hugh Marr: Master Storyteller
Aug 17, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Journey between the realm of reality and imagination and come face-to-face with the unconscious stories you have inherited. In his upcoming book, Hugh K Marr, Ph.D., using the 12 Pearson-Marr archetypes, leads you down a mythic and symbolic path to find your own archetypal story.


Stories help us understand ourselves and to transform and develop Transform Your Stories; Transform Your Life
Sep 18, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Re-enchant your life and transform your life story! Finding Your Story: Using Archetypes to Guide Your Personal Journey, the exciting upcoming guidebook by psychologist Hugh K. Marr, PhD, will guide you through the stages of your own life stories to discover the mythic and symbolic realms hidden within you.