Discover the Archetypes Shaping Your Life

8 Results tagged "Caregiver"

As one living out the Caregiver archetype, helping and nurturing others is both a prime value for you and a necessary source of fulfillment. You have antennae for the needs of others and are quick to help out or comfort. Generosity comes easily to you as does taking responsibility to meet needs as required.


three coworkers holding coffee cups and laughing Archetypes Are Oriented Around a Core Quality
Jun 17, 2021 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

People accurately and intuitively understand that the archetypes symbolically represent universal human qualities. A common misunderstanding though is if an archetype is not active in your Archetype Profile, then you are lacking the core quality it represents. Having an archetypal character rank low in your Profile does not mean you are lacking that quality but indicates you are not identified with it and likely not accessing it, at least not with ease. In this article, we explain how identifying each archetype with a core quality is distinct from using that same quality through the other archetypes.


roman warrior fighting in a cloud of dust with a superimposed 'POW' Finding Our Voice, Managing Anger
by Patricia R. Adson, PhD

There is a difference between feeling angry and acting angry. Angry actions and loud words may scare other people, or allow you to express yourself and vent, but in interpersonal relationships, such actions seldom get the results we desire.


illustration of Icarus falling from the Sun When You Need a New Perspective
by Carol S. Pearson, PhD, DMin

Habitual attitudes often blind us to new possibilities and options. Life is most rewarding for me when I am growing and learning. I’ve found that the archetypes that are dominant for me and others are important for authenticity and for the primary lessons we are learning at any given time.


When it is the lowest archetype in your profile, embodying the archetypal Caregiver can transform a Blind Spot into a heroic journey. Hidden Gold in the Shadow
Nov 17, 2022 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

My younger sister, Carmen, is quite close in age to me – just a year apart – but distant in personality. Growing up, my naturally sensitive, caring, generous sibling would often say to me that I just didn’t have that “caregiver gene.” She was right. Where Carmen was motivated to generate positive emotions in herself and others, I was fascinated by the dark nether regions of the mind and imagination. Where Carmen naturally trusted and nurtured others’ vulnerabilities, I probed the hidden secrets and conflicted natures of myself and others.


In our work with people using both the PMAI and MBTI instruments, we see two relationships between type and archetype. Archetypes and Personality Type
Jun 17, 2024 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

This is the second article in a four-part series, by Kessstan Blandin, PhD, discussing the relationships between Jung’s theories of archetypes and psychological types, as assessed by the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® and Myers-Brigg Type Indicator® instruments, respectively. The first article discussed the ways the theories of archetype and type converge and diverge—how they overlap and where they are distinct. This current article presents the results of a large, correlational study between the PMAI® and MBTI® tools.


Girl playing World of Warcraft online, immersed in her epic, mythical archetypal story. What Story Are You Playing?
Apr 18, 2023 by Logan Abbitt

What archetypal story are you playing? Online high fantasy games, such as World of Warcraft (WoW), can be a way to play out your archetypal stories. In this month's article, Logan Abbitt, a longtime WoW player, gives us insight into how the PMAI® archetypes can crossover into the character roles in games like WoW.