Discover the Archetypes Shaping Your Life

30 Results tagged "archetypes"

Innocent, Optimist, Dreamer Idealist
The Idealist archetype imparts a basic trust in life that lets you look on the bright side. You remain positive and optimistic even when dealing with daunting situations, endeavoring to stay true to beliefs and values that you hold dear. You are trusting and open to receiving help when you need it.


Explorer, Wanderer, Pioneer Seeker
The Seeker archetype compels a search to find yourself. Your eyes are cast to the future, and you are quick to adopt the new and grow tired of the tried and commonplace. You enjoy adventures, new experiences, and personal growth opportunities and see all of life as a journey of exploration.


The Sage archetype bestows curiosity on many topics to pursue life as a learning process. Others likely regard you as knowledgeable, and the pursuit of understanding is sufficient reward for you in its own right. You tend to be calm and unruffled, seeking to understand situations to then educate or advise others.


Living with an active Realist archetype in your life, you pride yourself on practicality, doing what works, and seeing what is likely. Egalitarian by nature, you like working with unpretentious, trustworthy people. To avoid disappointment, you do not engage in dreams or activities where you feel you don't have sufficient control of the outcome.


The drive of an active Lover archetype is for connection and relationships. You are easily passionate, whether for another person, an activity, or an ideal. Sensuous and vital, you let your heart lead the way, choosing activities, jobs, possessions and relationships that lend beauty to your life.


For an active Jester archetype, humor and joy in living is paramount. You easily see the inconsistency, absurdity, and irony in life, but you are not compelled to change the way things are. You may chuckle inwardly or you may actively instigate frivolity and laughter, but you revel in furthering the enjoyment of yourself and others.


As one living out the Caregiver archetype, helping and nurturing others is both a prime value for you and a necessary source of fulfillment. You have antennae for the needs of others and are quick to help out or comfort. Generosity comes easily to you as does taking responsibility to meet needs as required.


The Ruler archetype gravitates to power and directs the power you have to achieve goals, keep order, and promote the good enterprises of which you are a part. You easily sense who defers to whom and what the hierarchy is among the members of various groups. You like to be in control, and you willingly take on responsibilities.


Inspired by an active Creator archetype, you are naturally imaginative. Constantly thinking of new possibilities, there are times when ideas effortlessly flow, as if you were an antennae channeling them. You conceive of new possibilities and are able to express those ideas in a tangible form, as in art, writing, design or inventions.


Motivated by the Warrior archetype, you set and meet goals, for you are mission driven. There is a pride in meeting challenges, and when you meet obstacles you try harder, assuming the tough prevail. You enjoy competing, fighting to protect yourself and others, or spearheading crusades.


An active Magician archetype recognizes that what is real to a person is determined by what one believes. You sense the interconnectedness of events, people, and ideas. You notice serendipity, meaningful connections, and the ripple effects of small changes. You help create change by transforming perceptions in yourself and others.


At the heart of the Revolutionary archetype is a non-conformist who challenges, and often changes, the rules and the status quo. "Because this is the way it's done;" or "Because everyone else acts or thinks like this" makes you suspicious and feel hemmed in or trapped. You have the courage to let go of limiting beliefs and habits.


Living the Heroic Life Journey: Part 1
Mar 04, 2020 by Carol S. Pearson, PhD, DMin and Hugh Marr, PhD, LPC

Studying Jungian psychology helped me figure out that living builds inner psychological structure. Jung described how, in the first half of life, we need to form a healthy ego, while in the later half of life the task is to connect with the Self, an accomplishment which takes us to a deeper understanding of who we are and a capacity for feeling more connected to others and the world.


silhouette of George and the Dragon statue, Moscow, in front of a sunset sky Authentic Archetypal Branding
by Carol S. Pearson, PhD, DMin

After Awakening the Heroes Within (1991) was published, I began to recognize the archetypes I wrote about being used in advertisements. I was aware that too many individuals and organizations focus on promoting an image of themselves unrelated to what they genuinely care about and value. When there is a large gap between the real self and what we are trying to convince the world we are, the result is, at best, a shallow and empty life.


three coworkers holding coffee cups and laughing Archetypes Are Oriented Around a Core Quality
Jun 17, 2021 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

People accurately and intuitively understand that the archetypes symbolically represent universal human qualities. A common misunderstanding though is if an archetype is not active in your Archetype Profile, then you are lacking the core quality it represents. Having an archetypal character rank low in your Profile does not mean you are lacking that quality but indicates you are not identified with it and likely not accessing it, at least not with ease. In this article, we explain how identifying each archetype with a core quality is distinct from using that same quality through the other archetypes.


dark purple book cover with a phoenix rising titled What Stories Are You Living Reviews and Excerpts
Dr. Pearson’s book will introduce the rich archetypal journey of Jungian individuation to the novice and deepen the competency of the advanced reader to use Jungian archetypes for awareness and evolution towards one’s highest self.


illustration of Icarus falling from the Sun When You Need a New Perspective
by Carol S. Pearson, PhD, DMin

Habitual attitudes often blind us to new possibilities and options. Life is most rewarding for me when I am growing and learning. I’ve found that the archetypes that are dominant for me and others are important for authenticity and for the primary lessons we are learning at any given time.


office workers around a table with archetype symbols over their heads Working with Teams through the PMAI® Archetypes
May 07, 2021 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

All organizations, teams, or any group with a common mission, will confront archetypal moments, those difficult decisions on how best to go forward when what you decide will have impact on the organization and customers.


The hero archetype, Saint George, slays the outlaw dragon Archetypes, Brands, and the Quest for Meaning
by Margaret Mark

In Margaret Mark's career in advertising, she was often dumbfounded by the extent to which brands took on meaning for people - often across cultures and over decades. Apple, Coke, Disney, Nike. What made these entities so powerful, with the capacity to transcend time and place?

In this article Mark describes her quest for insight and how it eventually led her to archetypes and Carol Pearson's work.


Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman with arms crossed at the wrists Pearson's & Heroic Archetypal Characters
Carol Pearson,PhD has a unique presence in the field of Jungian archetypes. First, Pearson's work is about twelve heroic archetypes that she discovered appear across culture, time, and stories, such as myths, fairy tales, literature, and religion. The theory uses the metaphor of the heroic journey as a structure for ordering archetypes as they commonly occur in the course of Western adult development.


Enacting the hero's journey as story When Is a Story Archetypal?
by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

We know the facts—that we are currently one of 8 billion people on the planet, that in the greater scheme of humanity and the cosmos we will live and die anonymously - but this is not how you and I live. You are striving, battling, and loving through an epic drama. Each time you triumph, each time you fail, you gain the wisdom of living for the first time, as every hero has done through time. Every one of us senses our mysterious potential, often ambiguous and vague, yet emotionally compelling in its lure towards who we can be. We sense as well that the hard facts of life do not provide access to this level of potential, but where to turn for guidance?


woman with red backpack standing at a forked path in the woods Archetypes are Fluid and Dynamic
Feb 13, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

If you happen to take the PMAI® assessment again, you will likely notice the same characters congregating near the top and bottom of your profile, but not always in the same positions. Our newest article discusses the fluid and dynamic nature of archetypes and how the PMAI instrument can be used to reveal your growth or the growth of your clients over time.


diverse millennials, and a senior woman executive. share a moment of understanding Types of Leaders, Types of Knowledge
Jun 21, 2023 by Merle Singer and Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Technology has become an increasingly significant source of knowledge for leaders in the twenty-first century, possibly creating a shift in the archetypal dynamics of leaders today. In this first article on "Leadership Narratives" a mixed methods research study, conducted between 2018-2020 by Merle Singer and Heather Round, explores how our volatile world is changing the leadership narratives for seasoned female professionals and early-career female and male millennials in corporate Australia and the United States.


Jung & Archetypes
The Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® (PMAI®) is rooted in the theories of C. G. Jung. Jung's view of archetypes, a concept he didn't coin but was the first to apply to the structure and experience of the psyche or mind, is based on his understanding of the various levels of the psyche or mind (conscious and unconscious).


Bringing Archetype (PMAI®) Together with Type (MBTI®)
Apr 02, 2024 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Though archetypes (PMAI) and personality type (MBTI) express different aspects of one's personality, one fluid and one fixed, together they bestow a depth of self-understanding. This month, Kesstan Blandin, PhD, distinguishes the contrasting nature of these two systems and how they ground or emphasize each other in a way that can accelerate self-growth.


Girl playing World of Warcraft online, immersed in her epic, mythical archetypal story. What Story Are You Playing?
Apr 18, 2023 by Logan Abbitt

What archetypal story are you playing? Online high fantasy games, such as World of Warcraft (WoW), can be a way to play out your archetypal stories. In this month's article, Logan Abbitt, a longtime WoW player, gives us insight into how the PMAI® archetypes can crossover into the character roles in games like WoW.


World of Warcraft players, like this elf lady in green, play out enchanted archetypal stories What Story Are You Playing?
May 18, 2023 by Logan Abbitt

When looking for a little enchantment in life what archetypal story do you like to play? In this second article, Logan Abbitt compares 6 more of the PMAI archetypes with some of the mythical characters played out in the high fantasy game World of Warcraft (WoW).


In our work with people using both the PMAI and MBTI instruments, we see two relationships between type and archetype. Archetypes and Personality Type
Jun 17, 2024 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

This is the second article in a three-part series, by Kessstan Blandin, PhD, discussing the relationships between Jung’s theories of archetypes and psychological types, as assessed by the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instruments, respectively. The first article discussed the ways the theories of archetype and type converge and diverge—how they overlap and where they are distinct. This current article presents the results of a large, correlational study between the PMAI® and MBTI® tools.


Archetype & Personality Type: From Theoretical to Personal
Jul 18, 2024 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD and Yvonne Nelson-Reid, PhD

This is the third article in a three-part series discussing the relationships between the theories of the PMAI® and MBTI® instruments. Following two previous articles that discussed the ways the theories of archetype and type converge and diverge, as well as the empirical correlations between the two instruments, this article presents insights gained through qualitative research. Of particular interest covered are the strengths, gifts, and Allies; various types of shadow elements in the psyche; and how to lean into archetypal flexibility.