Discover the Archetypes Shaping Your Life

6 Results tagged "ruler"

The Ruler archetype gravitates to power and directs the power you have to achieve goals, keep order, and promote the good enterprises of which you are a part. You easily sense who defers to whom and what the hierarchy is among the members of various groups. You like to be in control, and you willingly take on responsibilities.


Students with low self-efficacy are more likely to give up when faced with difficult circumstances. The Impact of Low Scoring Archetypes on College Student Success
Oct 17, 2022 by Mona AlQadi, PhD

This month new author Mona AlQadi, PhD reports on her dissertation research using the PMAI® to gain a deeper understanding of the unconscious archetypal narratives at play in underperformance in college students. Her study yields several insights into the relationship between low-scoring archetypes and students’ attitudes, behaviors, and worries toward their academic goals.


woman with red backpack standing at a forked path in the woods Archetypes are Fluid and Dynamic
Feb 13, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

If you happen to take the PMAI® assessment again, you will likely notice the same characters congregating near the top and bottom of your profile, but not always in the same positions. Our newest article discusses the fluid and dynamic nature of archetypes and how the PMAI instrument can be used to reveal your growth or the growth of your clients over time.


In our work with people using both the PMAI and MBTI instruments, we see two relationships between type and archetype. Archetypes and Personality Type
Jun 17, 2024 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

This is the second article in a four-part series, by Kessstan Blandin, PhD, discussing the relationships between Jung’s theories of archetypes and psychological types, as assessed by the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® and Myers-Brigg Type Indicator® instruments, respectively. The first article discussed the ways the theories of archetype and type converge and diverge—how they overlap and where they are distinct. This current article presents the results of a large, correlational study between the PMAI® and MBTI® tools.


World of Warcraft players, like this elf lady in green, play out enchanted archetypal stories What Story Are You Playing?
May 18, 2023 by Logan Abbitt

When looking for a little enchantment in life what archetypal story do you like to play? In this second article, Logan Abbitt compares 6 more of the PMAI archetypes with some of the mythical characters played out in the high fantasy game World of Warcraft (WoW).